Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Finished my first week of training.  Only 47 more to go!  What has the first week taught me?  Stick to the plan.  Previously I just gutted out certain times or miles but this go-around I have been instructed by my coach to adhere to specific paces or heart rate zones in the plan.  Some are very fast and some are extremely slow.  Apparently there is a science to ironman training.  Thankfully I don't have to be the scientist.  All I have to do is follow my individualized plan given to me from the one who is in the know.  After only one week I haven't yet experienced the temptation to cheat and divert from the plan, even a little; but I'm sure it's coming.  If I can go faster or slower, why shouldn't I?  Or if I don't feel like getting out of bed, why not skip it?

Because I trust my coach.  He knows what's best for me.  I certainly have the freedom to do what I want, when I want but choosing my own path hasn't proven very beneficial in the past.  That's why I am so grateful to God for His plan.  His will directs my daily steps, with good reason.  Obviously I have been in my walk with Him long enough to cheat, divert, manipulate, skip, and otherwise think I know better.  It's when I start trusting in myself that things go south; but when I stick to His plan, even when I don't understand it, my entire destiny is transformed.

I am doing this ironman for two reasons.  First, to bring glory to God in this body He gave me and second, to learn the finer art of humility through trust.  I am sure the Lord has many lessons for me in the coming weeks.  Whatever His plan is, I'm sticking to it.

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